
Intervention Details

Livelihood support by OBS

Agartala, March 29: Oisho Bani Society (OBS) in partnership with CBM has been working for the welfare of Children with and without Disabilities since November of 2021. Community Outreach, Educational Support, Medical Camps and Livelihood supports are some ways in which they try and bring about Community Based Inclusive Development and Rehabilitation. Livelihood Enhancement support for Income Generation being an important part of the said intervention, under which Oisho Bani Society Organizes regular Livestock Distribution which would serve as a means of income generation for the parents to support their family specially their children with Disability. The idea being to train and support them into becoming a self reliant, sustainable and contributing member of the community. And so a livelihood support distribution camp was organized on 29th March at Kumaritilla, Agartala where Exotic Ducks breeds namely Khaki Campbell and Vigova Super, were Distributed to the parents of Children with and without Disability. The Livelihood coordinator of Oisho Bani Society gave them a brief orientation on rearing of this special breeds of Ducks, regarding vaccination, medication, hygiene and nutrition. The Program ended with Director of Oisho Bani Society Fr. Jeevan Kennady handing over 20 each ducks to 10 families and motivating the recipients to look at the support provided as an opportunity and take due care so that they can reap the full benefits of the return from the Livelihood activity that they had chosen to undertake.