Oisho Bani Society (OBS) Launches a new farmer’s development project titled STtAND (Sustainable Transformation through Agriculture Nurturing and Development) at Kamaranga, under Kamalpur sub division in Dhalai district on 22/02/2021. Nearly 90 (ninety) farmers from different villages took part in the launching program. The project will be implemented for three years. Fr. Maxim Rodriges the president of OBS was the chief guest for the program. Fr. Arun Minj the local project incharge welcomed the gathering while Fr. Jeevan kennady the Director of OBS introduced the project goals and objectives and shared the action plan for three years to the farmers. This project is aimed at bringing qualitative changes in the lives of the farmers. The launching program ended with project memorial plantation by the guest, project staff and the participants.
Oishobani Society
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