At the wake of Covid 19 second wave Oisho Bani Society (OBS) has been actively involved in carrying out relief work under the leadership of Fr. Jeevan Kennady, SVD the director of OBS with the activie cooperation of Mr. Debashis and Pinky Das officials from from YVK. And other volunteers . Since 10th June OBS has been distributing dry ration at different interior villages In West Tripura, Gomati and Khowai District. So far 648 poor families have been helped with relief materials like rice, dal, potato, onion, oil, salt, soya bean, soap and mask. Among the 648 families 100 are disabled people. The Director of OBS Fr. Jeevan Kennady, SVD also said that in the coming week they will be distributing dry ration to another 500 families in Dhalai District. Mission Prokur St. Gabriel International, Austria has been supporting the relief material distribution initiative by OBS.
Oishobani Society
9774055768 / 9435707159