
Intervention Details



Ambassa (Tripura): 14 March, 2021. Oisho Bani organized half day training program for the 58 beneficiaries. Ambassa ubit had started Self-Reliance (Atma Nirbhar) program in 2019 with rupees five thousand each to 24 beneficiaries to rear livestock (piggery, guttery, poultry, fishery, horticulture etc) and after one year the amount to be returned back to the revolving fund committee. It worked well and it was a successful attempt to begin with. In 2020 during the pandemic period when migrant workers from different states returned back and when daily labourers lost their daily wages, Oisho Bani Society announced the program of rearing livestock and the beneficiaries increased to 58. The selected village leaders recommend the applications of the beneficiaries and are responsible to oversee the work undertaken by the recipient. After a year the beneficiary return back the money to the revolving fund and uses this money to give to others to buy the livestock.

                   All the beneficiaries come together at the beginning for an input session and after the six months for a review session. And thus on September 27, 2020 at the middle of pandemic we inaugurated self-reliance programme for the 58 beneficiaries of Dhalai District. And today this gathering is for to evaluate, how far beneficiaries are successful in their works. Many shared their success stories and few have returned some of their profit to the fund. The resource person  Dr. Asok Debbarma an Ayurvedic physician said, “Self-reliance programme doesn’t start with the money but it begins with one’s own will power to develop creatively, which is supported by finance and ideas”. It is a small step by Oisho Bani Society towards achieving  ‘Atma Nirbhar’

Ivan D’Silva, SVD