Oisho Bani Society (OBS) Organizes one day training for farmers on double cropping at Kamranga under Dhalai District on 28/11/2022. Over 120 Farmers took part in the Training. The Training was supported by Steyler Mission, Germany. The resource person Mr. Angod Halam Explained concept of double cropping and its advantages and the way and means to care the products and cultivation. Fr. Arun Minj and Jacob, the local project in-charge motivated the local Farmers. At the end of the Training the farmers were distributed with different vegetable seeds for cultivation. The vegetable cultivation will be done in view of income generation for the farmers. Fr Jeevan the Director of Oisho Bani motivated the participants to make use of facilities that are provided by Oisho Bani Society for their Development
Oishobani Society
9774055768 / 9435707159